Experts predict that by 2025, more than 75 billion IoT devices will connect to the web. Thanks to standard-essential patents (SEPs) enabling communication over Wi-Fi and cloud networks, innovators can create new IoT devices and applications quickly.
But without a balanced licensing environment for SEPs, the IoT revolution will stall leaving consumers, businesses, and the economy behind. Luckily it’s not too late to fight back! Save Our Standards was launched last fall to bring together industry experts, consumer advocates, and small business owners to support a licensing system that empowers innovators and fuels the economy.
This panel will shed light on how abusive practices in the licensing of SEPs occurs throughout the IoT value chain, and what impact such abuse has on consumers.
Please join us on Tuesday, June 7 at 1:00 PM EDT for this digital event.
Register below to receive a link to join:
Event Speakers

Kent Baker
Head of Licensing
and IP Strategy

Brian Droessler
Vice President, Strategy & Portfolio

Stephen Forte
Fresco Capital

Alex Moss
Executive Director
Public Interest Patent Law Institute

Ashley Durkin-Rixey
Senior Director
Glen Echo Group
Held as part of Patent Quality Week: